Reynolds, DeMarco & Boland

Personal Injury, Products Liability - Whether you’ve been injured or you are the person against whom a claim has been made, a prompt, thorough investigation is key to success in prosecuting or defending a claim. We work with independent, local investigators and experts who are capable of performing the necessary leg work to gather all of the facts. This information allows us to give informed advice to our clients concerning the range of our likely outcomes. During the course of litigation regular updates are provided concerning substantive events and their impact on the strength of the case. Also, when appropriate, alternative dispute resolution strategies such as mediation or arbitration. If the matter cannot be resolved then the handling attorney will proceed with the trial of the case and pursue or defend any resulting appeal.
Employment Discrimination - We will handle your employment discrimination claim before the Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights and through subsequent litigation in the State or Federal Courts. We have extensive experience and knowledge of the interplay between the various state and federal discrimination statutes. We also have access to nationwide computerized legal research to stay abreast of the latest developments in this area of the law. If the matter cannot be resolved then the firm will handle the case through discovery, trial and any appeal.
Insurance Law - We have extensive experience and knowledge concerning various insurance coverage issues and claim handling procedures. Additionally we have access to both print and online resources that enable us to provide coverage opinions and handle coverage litigation. Not only can we effectively handle litigation concerning coverage but also the usual bad faith claims that accompany it.
Municipal Liability, Civil Rights - We have extensive experience representing cities and towns in Rhode Island in connection with tort claims as well as civil rights and police misconduct claims. Our attorneys are knowledgeable concerning the various statutory nuances involved in these types of claims and the immunities that exist. We have worked hand in hand with City and Town Solicitors and municipal administration as well as Town and City Council concerning the strategy for the case and providing regular updates. Particularly in civil rights and police misconduct litigation discovery is focused in a way to allow for the filing of motions for summary judgment based upon governmental immunities. In those cases were those motions are unsuccessful then we will provide representation through trial and any appeal.